Hang On Breeder Box

Aquarium hobbyists often face a difficult task when it comes to breeding fish, shrimp, or other aquatic creatures. The solution to this problem is a hang on breeder box, which allows for safe and easy breeding of these animals. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using a hang on breeder box, how it works, and answer some common questions related to this topic.

Pain Points

One of the main issues that aquarists face while breeding is the lack of suitable breeding ground and protection for vulnerable creatures. In a regular aquarium, fish or shrimp fry can easily become prey to larger fish or invertebrates. Moreover, adult fish tend to eat their eggs or fry. It can be devastating for an aquarist who has been waiting for their fish to breed successfully only to see them getting eaten up.

What is Hang On Breeder Box?

A hang on breeder box is a detachable box that is hung on the edges of the aquarium using an adjustable hanger or suction cups, creating a divider in the aquarium. It allows for easy breeding of aquatic animals without the risk of danger to other inhabitants. As the box is transparent, it enables the aquarist to keep an eye on the fry without disturbing them. It's an efficient way of keeping the fish and shrimp fry safe and protected from predators in your aquarium.


A hang on breeder box is an essential tool for aquarists who want to breed their aquatic animals successfully. It not only keeps the fry and eggs safe and sound, but it also protects them from other inhabitants and predators. It's a simple and effective solution for your breeding needs.

Personal Experience with Hang On Breeder Box

After my Betta fish started showing signs of breeding, I decided to purchase a hang on breeder box to protect the fry. The process was simple, and the box was easy to attach to the aquarium's edge. The box contained several slits for water flow, and the fry stayed safe and secure inside the box, free from other fish attempting to eat them. The box proved to be an efficient and economical solution to my breeding problem, and I would highly recommend it to any aquarist looking to breed their fish or shrimp.

Benefits of Using a Hang On Breeder Box

The hang on breeder box is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to breed their aquatic animals successfully. It offers many benefits such as:

  • Safe breeding ground for fish and shrimp fry
  • Protects fry from predators and other inhabitants
  • Transparent construction allows for monitoring without disturbing the fry
  • Easy to install and remove for maintenance

Overall, these features make the hang on breeder box an effective and economical tool for breeding any aquatic species.

How to Choose the Right Hang On Breeder Box?

When choosing a hang on breeder box, consider the size of your aquarium and the number of aquatic animals you plan to breed. The box should be the right size and have enough space for the fry to grow. It should be easy to attach and durable enough to last a long time.

Tips for Using Hang On Breeder Box

Here are some useful tips for using a hang on breeder box:

  • Ensure that the water flow is adequate to avoid stagnant water in the box
  • Remove any uneaten food to keep the water clean and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria
  • Monitor the fry's growth and remove them from the box when they are large enough to fend for themselves

Question and Answer

1. What is the price range for a hang on breeder box?

Answer: The price range for a hang on breeder box varies depending on the brand and size. Typically, they cost between $10 to $30.

2. Can a hang on breeder box be used for any type of aquatic animal?

Answer: Yes, a hang on breeder box can be used for various aquatic animals like shrimp, betta fish, and other fish that lay eggs.

3. How often should I clean my hang on breeder box?

Answer: It's essential to clean the hang on breeder box regularly. Clean the box and change the water every few days or as needed to keep the fry healthy.

4. Can a hang on breeder box damage the aquarium, and is it easy to remove?

Answer: Hang on breeder boxes are designed to be removable, as they attach to the aquarium's edge with suction cups or hangers. They are also designed to be gentle on your aquarium's glass or acrylic surface.


The hang on breeder box is a perfect solution for aquarists who want to breed their fish without the risk of predators attacking the fry. It allows for a safe and controlled environment for breeding aquatic animals. Choose the right size and brand according to your needs, keep it clean, and watch your aquatic animals thrive.


Hang-On Breeding Box - Fluval UK

Hang-On Breeding Box - Fluval UK
Photo Credit by: bing.com / breeding fluval breeder

Breeder Box External Hang On Back Guppy Betta Shrimp Fry Quarantine

Breeder Box external hang on back guppy betta shrimp fry quarantine
Photo Credit by: bing.com / breeder guppy betta quarantine shrimp

How To Clean A Hang On Breeder Box | Marina Breeder Box | Tuesday Tips

How To Clean A Hang On Breeder Box | Marina Breeder Box | Tuesday Tips
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Breeder Box

Breeder Box
Photo Credit by: bing.com / finnex breeder

Ziss BL-2T Internal Hang On Breeder Box - Nick's Pet Needs

Ziss BL-2T Internal Hang on Breeder Box - Nick's Pet Needs
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

