Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

If you're interested in keeping cherry shrimp, you may be wondering how many you can safely keep in your aquarium. The answer to this question can be a little tricky, as there are many factors to consider when determining how many cherry shrimp per gallon is appropriate. In this article, we'll explore the different factors that can impact the number of cherry shrimp you can keep, and provide some tips on how to care for your cherry shrimp to keep them happy and healthy.

The Pain Points of Keeping Cherry Shrimp

As with any type of pet, there can be several challenges associated with keeping cherry shrimp in your aquarium. For one, they require specific water parameters in order to thrive, and not all aquariums are suited to their needs. Additionally, some hobbyists may struggle with keeping cherry shrimp alive, as they can be sensitive to changes in their aquarium environment.

How Many Cherry Shrimp Can You Keep Per Gallon?

The number of cherry shrimp you can keep per gallon will depend on several factors, including the size of your aquarium, the age of your shrimp, and the amount of filtration and aeration available. As a general rule of thumb, hobbyists suggest keeping around 10-20 cherry shrimp per gallon of water.

Main Points on Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

When determining how many cherry shrimp you can keep per gallon, it's important to consider factors such as aquarium size and filtration, as well as the age and health of your shrimp. Additionally, providing a varied diet and carefully monitoring water parameters can help keep your cherry shrimp healthy and happy.

Personal Experience with Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon

I've been keeping cherry shrimp in my 10-gallon aquarium for over a year now, and have found that keeping around 10-12 shrimp per gallon works well for me. I make sure to provide plenty of hiding places and a varied diet, and keep an eye on water parameters to ensure they stay within the appropriate range.

Caring for Cherry Shrimp

When caring for cherry shrimp, it's important to provide a well-maintained aquarium with appropriate water parameters. This includes maintaining a stable temperature and pH level, as well as providing adequate filtration and aeration. Additionally, feeding them a varied diet and providing plenty of hiding places can help keep them healthy and happy.

Water Parameters for Cherry Shrimp

Cherry shrimp require a specific range of water parameters in order to thrive. This includes a temperature range of 72-78°F, a pH level of 6.5-8.0, and a hardness level of 6-12dKH. Additionally, they are sensitive to ammonia and nitrate levels, so it's important to monitor these parameters regularly.

Feeding Cherry Shrimp

Cherry shrimp are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including algae, biofilm, and commercial shrimp pellets. It's important to provide a varied diet to ensure they receive all of the necessary nutrients. Additionally, it's important not to overfeed, as excess food can lead to poor water quality and health issues for your shrimp.

Personal Experience with Cherry Shrimp Care

One thing I've found helpful when caring for cherry shrimp is to provide plenty of hiding places in the aquarium. This can include plants, rocks, and driftwood, as well as commercial shrimp hides. Additionally, I like to supplement their diet with algae wafers and boiled veggies like zucchini and spinach.

Question and Answer

Q: Can you keep cherry shrimp with other species?

A: Yes, cherry shrimp can coexist peacefully with many other species of fish and invertebrates, provided they are not aggressive or predatory. Some good tankmates for cherry shrimp include small tetras, rasboras, and other peaceful community fish.

Q: How often should you change the water in a cherry shrimp tank?

A: It's recommended to perform a small water change (around 10-20%) on a weekly basis in a cherry shrimp tank. This helps maintain good water quality and ensures that your shrimp have a healthy environment to thrive in.

Q: Do cherry shrimp require special lighting?

A: While cherry shrimp don't necessarily require special lighting, it's important to provide adequate lighting for any live plants in your aquarium. Additionally, some hobbyists recommend using a timer to ensure a consistent light cycle, as this can help regulate algae growth and promote healthy plant growth.

Q: Can you keep cherry shrimp in a bowl or vase?

A: It is not recommended to keep cherry shrimp in a bowl or vase, as these environments do not provide adequate space or filtration for the shrimp. Instead, a properly-maintained aquarium is necessary to provide a suitable living environment for the shrimp.


In conclusion, determining how many cherry shrimp per gallon you can keep will depend on several factors, including aquarium size, filtration, and the age of your shrimp. By providing a well-maintained aquarium with appropriate water parameters and a varied diet, you can keep your cherry shrimp healthy and happy. Remember to regularly monitor water parameters and provide plenty of hiding places for your shrimp to help them thrive in their environment.


How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon?

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon?
Photo Credit by: / shrimp gallon cherry many per ratio finding right

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon? The Answer & Basic Care Guide

How Many Cherry Shrimp Per Gallon? The Answer & Basic Care Guide
Photo Credit by: / cherry shrimp gallon per many 2021 answer basic care guide

Caring For Cherry Shrimp - A Comprehensive Guide

Caring for Cherry Shrimp - A Comprehensive Guide
Photo Credit by: / feeding breeding mates

10 Gallon Cherry Shrimp Tank - YouTube

10 Gallon Cherry Shrimp Tank - YouTube
Photo Credit by: / shrimp tank gallon cherry

Cherry Shrimp Care Sheet — Aquatic Solutions Australia

Cherry Shrimp care sheet — Aquatic Solutions Australia
Photo Credit by: / aquatic

