Red Phantom Tetra

The Red Phantom Tetra, also known as Hyphessobrycon sweglesi, is a popular freshwater fish among hobbyists due to its bright and attractive red coloration. These tetras are relatively easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for beginner aquarists. If you're considering adding Red Phantom Tetra to your tank, keep reading.

Pain Points of Red Phantom Tetra

While Red Phantom Tetras are generally easy to care for, there are a few things to keep in mind. These fish thrive in groups, so it's essential to keep at least six individuals in your tank to prevent them from becoming stressed. Also, they are relatively small, growing only to about two inches in length, so they are not suitable for large tanks. Additionally, these tetras can be somewhat shy, so it's important to provide them with plenty of hiding spots among plants and decorations in the tank.

Target of Red Phantom Tetra

The target audience for Red Phantom Tetra is any aquarist who wants to add a colorful and easy-to-care-for fish to their tank. These tetras are ideal for beginners and experienced aquarium enthusiasts alike.

Summary of Red Phantom Tetra

In summary, Red Phantom Tetras are a popular freshwater fish that are relatively easy to care for and bring a fantastic pop of color to your tank. To keep them healthy and happy, make sure to keep them in a group of six or more, provide plenty of hiding spots in your tank, and keep them in a suitable size tank.

The Beauty of Red Phantom Tetra

When I first saw Red Phantom Tetras in a store, I was immediately drawn to their striking red coloration. I decided to add a small school of these tetras to my tank, and they have quickly become one of my favorite fish to watch. Not only are they beautiful to look at, but they also add a level of activity to my tank. I love watching them dart around and play with each other.

Red Phantom Tetra

Caring for Red Phantom Tetra

One of the things I love about Red Phantom Tetras is that they are relatively easy to care for. They are omnivores, so you can feed them a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. They prefer soft, slightly acidic water and can handle a wide range of temperatures, but it's essential to keep the temperature stable to prevent stress. I also provide plenty of plants and decorations in my tank to give them plenty of hiding spots and create a sense of security.

Red Phantom Tetra

Breeding Red Phantom Tetra

If you're interested in breeding Red Phantom Tetras, you'll need to create a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water and provide plenty of hiding spots. The fish will lay their eggs on plants or decorations, and after a few days, the fry will hatch. You can feed the fry small amounts of infusoria or commercial fry food until they are large enough to eat other foods.

Red Phantom Tetra

Question and Answer

Q: What do Red Phantom Tetras eat?

A: Red Phantom Tetras are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms.

Q: How big do Red Phantom Tetras get?

A: Red Phantom Tetras grow to be about two inches in length.

Q: Do Red Phantom Tetras need a lot of space?

A: While Red Phantom Tetras are relatively small, they still need enough space to swim around comfortably. A tank of 10 gallons or larger is best for a small school of these tetras.

Q: How can I tell if my Red Phantom Tetras are male or female?

A: Male Red Phantom Tetras are generally smaller and more brightly colored than females. Females also tend to have a rounder belly when they are carrying eggs.

Conclusion of Red Phantom Tetra

If you're looking for a colorful and easy-to-care-for fish to add to your tank, Red Phantom Tetras are an excellent choice. These tetras are relatively small, so they don't require a large tank, and they're also great for beginners. Just make sure to keep them in groups of at least six and provide plenty of hiding spots to keep them healthy and happy.


Red Phantom Tetras (Hyphessobrycon Sweglesi) | Tetra Advanced

Red phantom tetras (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi) | Tetra Advanced
Photo Credit by: / tetra tetras hyphessobrycon

Buy Red Phantom Tetra Online | Free UAE Delivery Over 100 AED

Buy Red Phantom Tetra Online | Free UAE delivery over 100 AED
Photo Credit by: / tetra discus

Rosy Tetra (Hyphessobrycon Rosaceus)CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE – Discus Madness

Rosy Tetra (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus)CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE – Discus Madness
Photo Credit by: / tetra red phantom serpae tetras hyphessobrycon eye rosy discus discusmadness

Red Phantom Tetra - Profile | Care | Tank Mates | Breeding | Size - SeaFish

Red Phantom Tetra - Profile | Care | Tank Mates | Breeding | Size - SeaFish
Photo Credit by: / tetra

Red Phantom Tetra 1 By Elfchild85 On DeviantArt

Red Phantom Tetra 1 by elfchild85 on DeviantArt
Photo Credit by: / tetra red phantom tetras deviantart discus

