What Fish Will Eat Guppy Fry

The survival of guppy fry is crucial for ensuring the growth and diversity of the guppy population. Unfortunately, guppy fry are often targeted by other fish as prey, which can hinder their chances of survival. So, what fish will eat guppy fry and how can you protect them? Read on to find out.

Pain Points

Guppy fry are small and defenseless, making them easy prey for larger fish. This can be a source of frustration and disappointment for fish owners who are trying to build and maintain their guppy population. Losing a significant portion of the fry can result in a decrease in the population and can lead to genetic inbreeding.


Several fish species will eat guppy fry, including adult guppies themselves. However, there are also many fish species that will not prey on guppy fry. These include mollies, swordtails, platies, and some types of tetras. Some fish, like danios and barbs, may eat guppy fry if they are hungry, but they are not natural predators of guppy fry. To ensure the safety of your guppy fry, it's best to keep them in a separate tank or provide them with hiding places in the main tank.


If you're wondering what fish will eat guppy fry, the answer is that many fish species will, but some won't. While adult guppies themselves may eat their own fry, other species like mollies, swordtails, and platies will not. To protect your guppy fry, consider keeping them in a separate tank or providing hiding places in the main tank.

Personal Experience: Mollies as Guppy Fry Friends

When I first started breeding guppies, I was concerned about what fish would eat the fry. I decided to add a group of mollies to the tank as I had read that they were guppy fry friendly. To my surprise, not only did the mollies not eat my guppy fry, but they also helped protect them from other fish in the tank. I think this is because mollies are similar in size to guppy fry and had no interest in eating them. I highly recommend adding mollies as tank mates for your guppies.

Guppy fry and baby guppies in a fish tank

Personal Experience: Swordtails as Guppy Fry Enemies

On the other hand, I once made the mistake of adding a group of male swordtails to my guppy tank, hoping to add some variety. However, I quickly learned that swordtails are not friendly towards guppy fry. They relentlessly chased and ate any fry they could find, severely impacting the guppy population in my tank. I had to move the fry to a separate tank to ensure their survival and growth.

Guppy fry in a fish tank

Tetras and Guppy Fry

Tetras are a popular choice for community tanks and are generally peaceful fish. However, some tetras, like neon and cardinal tetras, may eat guppy fry if they are hungry or if the fry are small enough to fit in their mouths. If you plan on keeping tetras with guppies, it's important to monitor their behavior and ensure that your guppy fry have enough hiding places.

Newborn guppy fry in a fish tank

Danios and Barbs: Potential Threats

While danios and barbs are not natural predators of guppy fry, they may eat the fry if they are hungry enough. It's important to ensure that these fish are well-fed and that there is enough food for all the fish in the tank. If you notice danios or barbs nipping at your guppy fry, consider adding more hiding places or moving the fry to a separate tank.

Protecting Your Guppy Fry

If you want to ensure the survival of your guppy fry, there are several steps you can take to protect them. One option is to provide them with hiding places in the main tank, such as floating plants, decorations, or breeding traps. Another option is to move the fry to a separate tank until they are large enough to defend themselves or be reintroduced to the main tank.

Question and Answer

Q: Can guppy fry survive in the same tank as adult guppies?

A: While adult guppies may eat their own fry, some may also protect them. It ultimately depends on the individual fish and their behavior. Adding hiding places in the tank may help increase the fry's chances of survival.

Q: Will betta fish eat guppy fry?

A: Yes, betta fish are known to eat small fish, including guppy fry. It's best to keep bettas in their own tank and away from guppy fry.

Q: Do I need to separate male and female guppies to keep the fry safe?

A: No, it's not necessary to separate male and female guppies to protect their fry. However, it may help increase the fry's chances of survival if they have enough hiding places in the tank.

Q: Can adding more plants and hiding places help protect guppy fry?

A: Yes, providing hiding places such as plants, decorations, or breeding traps can help increase the fry's chances of survival by giving them places to hide from other fish in the tank.


Protecting guppy fry from predation is important for maintaining a healthy and diverse guppy population. While many fish species will eat guppy fry, some, such as mollies, platies, and swordtails, are more likely to do so. By understanding what fish will eat guppy fry and taking steps to protect them, you can help ensure their survival and growth.


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Best Information About Guppy Fry ( Basic Tips & Guide )
Photo Credit by: bing.com / guppy guppies fishsubsidy

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What Fish Eat Guppy Fry - Justagric
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