Will Snails Eat Fish Eggs

Do snails eat fish eggs? This is a common question among fish owners, especially those who have snails in their tank. If you're worried about the safety of your fish eggs, keep reading to find out if snails will eat them and what you can do to protect them.

Pain Points

For many fish owners, the safety of their fish and their eggs is a top priority. The thought of snails eating their fish eggs can be concerning, especially if they are breeding their fish for ornamental or commercial purposes. Additionally, if you have a planted tank and want to keep snails to help keep the tank clean, the safety of the plants and their eggs can be a concern as well.

Will Snails Eat Fish Eggs?

The answer is not straightforward. Some species of snails will eat fish eggs, while others won't. For example, Mystery Snails won't eat fish eggs as they are primarily herbivorous, but Ramshorn Snails and Apple Snails are known to eat fish eggs. However, in most cases, snails will only eat fish eggs if they can find them, so if the eggs are well-hidden or inaccessible, they are unlikely to be eaten.

Main Points

So, the answer to the question "will snails eat fish eggs?" is: it depends on the species of snail. However, even if you have species of snails that are known to eat fish eggs, there are a few things you can do to protect your eggs. You can consider removing the snails from the tank temporarily while the fish are breeding, or you can keep the eggs in a separate tank until they hatch. Additionally, make sure to provide plenty of hiding places for the eggs to make it more difficult for the snails to find them.

Personal Experience

When I first started breeding fish, I was worried about the safety of their eggs. I had read that some species of snails would eat the eggs, so I removed all the snails from my tank where I was breeding my fish. However, I soon discovered that this wasn't necessary. If you provide enough hiding places for the eggs and keep the snails well-fed, they won't go looking for the eggs. Since then, I've successfully bred many batches of fish without having any problems with snails eating their eggs.

Protecting Your Fish Eggs

If you are concerned about snails eating your fish eggs, there are a few things you can do to protect them. One of the simplest things is to provide plenty of hiding places for the eggs. You can use plants, rocks, or other decorations to create hiding places, which will make it more difficult for the snails to find the eggs. Additionally, you can remove any snails from the tank temporarily or keep the eggs in a separate tank until they hatch.

Going Deeper into the Topic

Another option is to choose species of snails that are less likely to eat fish eggs. Mystery Snails, for example, are an excellent choice for planted tanks as they are herbivorous and won't eat your plants or their eggs. However, keep in mind that even if you have a species of snail that doesn't eat fish eggs, they may accidentally crush them as they move around the tank. Therefore, it's always a good idea to provide plenty of hiding places for the eggs.

Additional Tips for Protecting Your Fish Eggs

If you want to protect your fish eggs, here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep the tank clean and well-maintained.
  • Remove any dead plant matter or uneaten food to prevent it from attracting snails.
  • Provide regular feedings for your snails to prevent them from going looking for other food sources.

Question and Answer

Q: Can snails eat fish fry?

A: Yes, some species of snails will eat fish fry. However, if you provide plenty of hiding places for the fry and keep the snails well-fed, they are unlikely to eat them.

Q: Can bettas eat snails?

A: Yes, bettas can eat snails. However, it's essential to make sure that the snails are thoroughly cleaned and cooked before feeding them to your betta.

Q: Are snails good for planted tanks?

A: Yes, snails can be good for planted tanks as they help keep the tank clean and free of algae. However, it's essential to choose the right species of snails, so they don't eat your plants or their eggs.

Q: Are snails harmful to fish?

A: Snails are not typically harmful to fish. However, if their population becomes too large, they can cause problems with the water quality in the tank and compete with the fish for food.


If you're worried about snails eating your fish eggs, the good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to protect them. By providing plenty of hiding places for the eggs, removing any snails from the tank temporarily, or keeping the eggs in a separate tank until they hatch, you can significantly reduce the risk of your eggs being eaten. Additionally, choosing the right species of snails and following good tank maintenance practices can help ensure the health and safety of your fish and their eggs.


Do Mystery Snails Eat Fish Eggs? - AquariumPub

Do Mystery Snails Eat Fish Eggs? - AquariumPub
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Do Mystery Snails Eat Fish Eggs? (Everything Explained!) – EFishkeeping

Do Mystery Snails Eat Fish Eggs? (Everything Explained!) – eFishkeeping
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Will Snails Eat Fish Eggs? Read This First! - For Fish Lovers

Will Snails Eat Fish Eggs? Read This First! - For Fish Lovers
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Will Snails Eat Fish Eggs? Which Snails Won't?

Will Snails Eat Fish Eggs? Which Snails Won't?
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

Do Snails Eat Fish Eggs? Read This Before Putting Snails Into Your

Do Snails Eat Fish Eggs? Read This Before Putting Snails Into Your
Photo Credit by: bing.com /

